Retinal Vascular Disease

Courses tagged with "Retinal Vascular Disease"

Macular Telangiectasia Type 1 - Torpedo Maculopathy

Type: Online Grand Rounds
Include in Catalogue?: Yes
Presenter(s): Georges Sukkarieh, MD
Faculty Discussant(s): Jorge Fortun, MD; Luis J. Haddock, MD
Presenter/Faculty: Fortun, Haddock, Sukkarieh
Macular Telangiectasia Type 1 - Torpedo Maculopathy This is a case of a middle-aged man presenting with a decrease in vision in his left eye for a period of 2 months. On fundus examination the patient presented with a pigmented macular asymptomatic lesion in the right eye and vascular telangiectasi…

Ocular Sarcoidosis

Type: Online Grand Rounds
Include in Catalogue?: Yes
Presenter(s): Anna Sporysheva, MD
Faculty Discussant(s): Thomas A. Albini, MD; Luis J. Haddock, MD
Presenter/Faculty: Albini, Haddock, Sporysheva
Ocular Sarcoidosis A patient with no past ocular history presented with right eye blurry vision for the past 4 months secondary to non-clearing vitreous hemorrhage. The exam was notable for visual acuity hand motion in the right eye and 20/20 in the left eye. Intra-ocular pressure was 17 and 17 mmH…

Peripheral Exudative Hemorrhagic Chorioretinopathy

Type: Online Grand Rounds
Include in Catalogue?: Yes
Presenter(s): Ramsey Yusuf, MD
Faculty Discussant(s): Nicolas A. Yannuzzi, MD
Presenter/Faculty: Yannuzzi, Yusuf
Peripheral Exudative Hemorrhagic Chorioretinopathy An elderly patient presented to the emergency room with 2 days of progressive floaters and vision loss in the right eye. His visual acuity was 20/80 in the right eye and 20/25 in the left eye. His intraocular pressure was normal in both eyes. Fundu…

Polypoidal Choroidal Vasculopathy

Type: Online Grand Rounds
Include in Catalogue?: Yes
Presenter(s): Patrick Staropoli, MD
Faculty Discussant(s): Jayanth Sridhar, MD
Presenter/Faculty: Sridhar, Staropoli
Polypoidal Choroidal Vasculopathy This is a case of a patient with 3 years of blurry vision. He was diagnosed with polypoidal choroidal vasculopathy by an outside physician and was receiving monthly aflibercept injections with documented worsening of vision and appearance on OCT. ICG was repeated o…

Premacular Hemorrhage Secondary to Valsalva Retinopathy

Type: Ophthalmic Images
Include in Catalogue?: Yes
Original Contributor(s): Landon J. Rohowetz, MD; Nicolas A. Yannuzzi, MD
Presenter/Faculty: Rohowetz; Yannuzzi

A patient with premacular hemorrhage secondary to Valsalva retinopathy

Retinal Detachment in Proliferative Sickle Cell Retinopathy

Type: Online Grand Rounds
Include in Catalogue?: Yes
Presenter(s): Anne L. Kunkler, MD
Faculty Discussant(s): Jayanth Sridhar, MD
Presenter/Faculty: Kunkler, Sridhar
Retinal Detachment in Proliferative Sickle Cell Retinopathy A middle-aged patient presented with decreased vision in her right eye. She had a history of proliferative sickle cell retinopathy. She is blind in the left eye from a prior failed retinal detachment repair. Her vision in the right eye was…

Susac Syndrome

Type: Online Grand Rounds
Include in Catalogue?: Yes
Presenter(s): Lily Zhang, MD
Faculty Discussant(s): Janet L. Davis, MD
Presenter/Faculty: Davis, Zhang
Susac Syndrome A patient with a history of a central retinal artery occlusion presented with acute vision loss in his right eye and was found to have a branch retinal artery occlusion. A fluorescein angiogram showed retinal vasculitis of both eyes and the patient was diagnosed with Susac Syndrome. …

Terson's Syndrome

Type: Online Grand Rounds
Include in Catalogue?: Yes
Presenter(s): Daniel Balikov, MD, PhD
Faculty Discussant(s): Thomas A. Albini, MD
Presenter/Faculty: Albini, Balikov
Terson's Syndrome A patient with no known past ocular history was referred for evaluation of bilateral retinal detachments. Prior to his presentation, the patient was admitted to an outside hospital and was diagnosed with a sub-arachnoid hemorrhage originating from the right anterior communicating …

Torpedo Maculopathy (Left Eye)

Type: Ophthalmic Images
Include in Catalogue?: Yes
Original Contributor(s): Jeffrey Brown, MD; Zelia M. Correa, MD, PhD
Presenter/Faculty: Brown, Correa

A patient with double Torpedo Maculopathy lesions in the left eye. Two lesions are noted inferior to the macula with associated RPE changes and overlying fluid. Funds autofluorescence images show areas of hypofluorescence and hyperfluorescence correlating with the RPE changes on fundus photos.

Vitreous Amyloidosis

Type: Online Grand Rounds
Include in Catalogue?: Yes
Presenter(s): Shobha Topgi, MD
Faculty Discussant(s): Jorge Fortun, MD
Presenter/Faculty: Fortun, Topgi
Vitreous Amyloidosis A patient presented to clinic with four months of blurry vision in the right eye. Of note, patient had previous vitrectomy for vitreous floaters of the left eye and panretinal photocoagulation in both eyes for retinal neovascularization. Examination of the right eye revealed de…