Course name | Date

West Nile Chorioretinits

Type: Ophthalmic Images
Include in Catalogue?: Yes
Original Contributor(s): Janet L. Davis, MD; Jaclyn L. Kovach, MD; Carolina Mercado, MD
Presenter/Faculty: Davis, Kovach, Mercado

A patient with a history of lymphoma presents to clinic one month after encephalitis. On fundus examination scattered lineal chorioretinal scars are noted.

Pseudophakic Bullous Keratopathy

Type: Ophthalmic Images
Include in Catalogue?: Yes
Original Contributor(s): Ellen Koo, MD; Benny Wong, MD
Presenter/Faculty: Koo, Wong

Pseudophakic bullous keratopathy.

Fulminant Superior Ophthalmic Vein Thrombosis with likely Cavernous Sinus Thrombosis

Type: Ophthalmic Images
Include in Catalogue?: Yes
Original Contributor(s): Nina Diklich, MD; Hong Jiang, MD, PhD
Presenter/Faculty: Diklich, Jiang
This patient presented with a one day history of severe pain, reduced vision, diplopia, and proptosis. Imaging revealed a superior ophthalmic vein thrombosis. Extensive workup showed no definite underlying etiology. The patient was started on antibiotics, corticosteroids, and anticoagulation. There…

Pseudomonas Necrotizing Scleritis

Type: Ophthalmic Images
Include in Catalogue?: Yes
Original Contributor(s): Guillermo Amescua, MD; Joseph Pecha, MD, MPH
Presenter/Faculty: Amescua, Pecha
A patient with no past medical history and a past ocular history of five prior pterygium removal surgeries presented to the Bascom Palmer Emergency Room for pain and irritation in his right eye for 1 week. He endorsed working construction just prior to symptom onset, but denied any trauma to the ey…

Fabry Disease

Type: Ophthalmic Images
Include in Catalogue?: Yes
Original Contributor(s): Jeffrey Brown, MD; Ninel Z. Gregori, MD
Presenter/Faculty: Brown, Gregory

A patient with Fabry disease. Slit lamp photos show tortuous conjunctival vessels, corneal verticillata, and cataract. Fundus photos show tortuous vasculature.

Lymphoma Infiltrative Optic Neuroapthy

Type: Ophthalmic Images
Include in Catalogue?: Yes
Original Contributor(s): Nina D. Diklich, MD; Carlos E. Mendoza Santiesteban, MD
Presenter/Faculty: Diklich, Mendoza

A patient discovered to have infiltrative optic neuropathy secondary to pleomorphic mantle cell lymphoma. Color fundus photo of the left eye shows grade 3 optic nerve edema with associated splinter hemorrhages as well as a few, scattered dot blot hemorrhages.

Macular Hole

Type: Ophthalmic Images
Include in Catalogue?: Yes
Original Contributor(s): Harry W. Flynn, Jr., MD; Landon J. Rohowetz, MD
Presenter/Faculty: Flynn, Rohowetz
A patient presented complaining of decreased vision in the right eye for the past 3-4 months. Best-corrected visual acuity was 20/80 in the right eye. Posterior segment examination revealed a macular hole and cystoid macular edema. (B) Optical coherence tomography demonstrated a macular hole with v…

Fuchs Endothelial Corneal Dystrophy

Type: Ophthalmic Images
Include in Catalogue?: Yes
Original Contributor(s): Ellen Koo, MD; Jacob Fondriest, MD
Presenter/Faculty: Koo, Fondriest

A patient with Fuchs' Endothelial corneal dystrophy. Slit lamp photos with retroillumination demonstrate corneal guttate.

Stargardt Disease

Type: Ophthalmic Images
Include in Catalogue?: Yes
Original Contributor(s): Byron L. Lam, MD; Daniela Teijelo, MD
Presenter/Faculty: Lam, Teijelo
A patient with bilateral progressive vision loss who presents to clinic for evaluation. Patient's vision loss started in childhood, with initial vision being 20/200 in both eyes. Fundus photos show optic nerve pallor, macular atrophy and extensive pigmentary changes in the periphery. Genetic testin…