Available Courses
Corneal Edema and Secondary Angle Closure Glaucoma Due to Cosmetic Iris Implants
Specialty: Corneal and External Diseases
Type: Online Grand Rounds
Include in Catalogue?: Yes
Presenter(s): Mya Abousy, MD
Faculty Discussant(s): Elena Bitrian, MD
Discussant(s): Jonathan D. Tijerina, MD, MA
Presenter/Faculty: Abousy, Bitrian, Tijerina
Corneal Edema and Secondary Angle Closure Glaucoma Due to Cosmetic Iris Implants Cosmetic iris implants have gained significant popularity in the media in the past 20 years. Despite their appeal to thousands of individuals across the globe, these implants have vision-threatening consequences. This …
Radial Keratotomy Associated Corneal Ulcer
Specialty: Corneal and External Diseases
Type: Online Grand Rounds
Include in Catalogue?: Yes
Presenter(s): Kai Seely, MD, MHSc
Faculty Discussant(s): William W. Culbertson, IV, MD
Presenter/Faculty: Culbertson, Seely
Radial Keratotomy Associated Corneal Ulcer A middle-aged patient with a history of radial keratotomy in both eyes presented with 3 days of pain, redness, and blurred vision in the right eye. Visual acuity was 20/80 and slit lamp exam was remarkable for a stromal infiltrate with overlying epithelial…
Ocular Surface Neoplasia
Specialty: Corneal and External Diseases
Type: Online Grand Rounds
Include in Catalogue?: Yes
Presenter(s): Mario Cale, MD
Faculty Discussant(s): Carol L. Karp, MD; Daniel Pelaez, PhD; Basil Williams, MD
Presenter/Faculty: Cale, Karp, Pelaez, Williams
Ocular Surface Neoplasia A patient presented to the clinic with progressive white corneal opacity, otherwise no past medical history. Ant seg OCT performed and lesion identified as ocular surface neoplasm. The patient was treated with cycles of topical 5FU with near total response. Advancements in …
Corneal Tissue Addition Keratoplasty
Specialty: Corneal and External Diseases
Type: Ophthalmic Images
Include in Catalogue?: Yes
Original Contributor(s): Ellen Koo, MD; Imane Tarib, MD
Presenter/Faculty: Koo, Tarib
Slit lamp photograph and Anterior Segment OCT in the peripheral and central cornea in a patient with Keratoconus after undergoing corneal tissue addition keratoplasty.
Fuchs Endothelial Corneal Dystrophy
Specialty: Corneal and External Diseases
Type: Ophthalmic Images
Include in Catalogue?: Yes
Original Contributor(s): Ellen Koo, MD; Jacob Fondriest, MD
Presenter/Faculty: Koo, Fondriest
A patient with Fuchs' Endothelial corneal dystrophy. Slit lamp photos with retroillumination demonstrate corneal guttate.
Pseudomonas Necrotizing Scleritis
Specialty: Corneal and External Diseases
Type: Ophthalmic Images
Include in Catalogue?: Yes
Original Contributor(s): Guillermo Amescua, MD; Joseph Pecha, MD, MPH
Presenter/Faculty: Amescua, Pecha
A patient with no past medical history and a past ocular history of five prior pterygium removal surgeries presented to the Bascom Palmer Emergency Room for pain and irritation in his right eye for 1 week. He endorsed working construction just prior to symptom onset, but denied any trauma to the ey…
Nocardia Bacterial Keratitis
Specialty: Corneal and External Diseases
Type: Online Grand Rounds
Include in Catalogue?: Yes
Presenter(s): Spencer C. Barrett, MD
Faculty Discussant(s): Guillermo Amescua, MD
Presenter/Faculty: Amescua, Barrett
Nocardia Bacterial Keratitis A patient presented to the Bascom Palmer Emergency Room with 2 weeks of red painful eye. On exam, he was found to have a patchy white stromal infiltrate suspicious for bacterial or fungal keratitis. Fortified antibiotics were started, and a culture was drawn. Ultimately…
Primary Localized Conjunctival Amyloidosis
Specialty: Corneal and External Diseases
Type: Online Grand Rounds
Include in Catalogue?: Yes
Presenter(s): Samantha M. Arsenault, MD
Faculty Discussant(s): Sander R. Dubovy, MD; Carol L. Karp, MD
Presenter/Faculty: Arsenault, Dubovy, Karp
Primary Localized Conjunctival Amyloidosis A patient with a few years of intermittent left eye redness and left eyelid drooping. He has no significant past ocular or past medical history. Exam reveals intact visual acuity, normal pupils, intraocular pressure, extraocular motility, and confrontation…
Infectious Necrotizing Scleritis
Specialty: Corneal and External Diseases
Type: Online Grand Rounds
Include in Catalogue?: Yes
Presenter(s): Joseph Pecha, MD, MPH
Faculty Discussant(s): Guillermo Amescua, MD; Sander R. Dubovy, MD
Presenter/Faculty: Amescua, Dubovy, Pecha
Infectious Necrotizing Scleritis A patient with no past medical history and a past ocular history of five prior pterygium removal surgeries (three in the right eye and two in the left eye, most recently seven years ago in the right eye), presented to the Bascom Palmer Emergency Room for pain and ir…
Conjunctival Melanoma Treated with Systemic Checkpoint Inhibitors
Specialty: Corneal and External Diseases
Type: Online Grand Rounds
Include in Catalogue?: Yes
Presenter(s): Samera Ahmad, MD
Faculty Discussant(s): Carol L. Karp, MD
Presenter/Faculty: Ahmad, Karp
Conjunctival Melanoma Treated with Systemic Checkpoint Inhibitors A patient with past medical history of basal cell carcinoma and metastatic scalp melanoma presents with an enlarging pigmented lesion of his left conjunctiva. His vision was intact in both eyes with normal intraocular pressures. Exam…
Pseudophakic Bullous Keratopathy
Specialty: Corneal and External Diseases
Type: Ophthalmic Images
Include in Catalogue?: Yes
Original Contributor(s): Ellen Koo, MD; Benny Wong, MD
Presenter/Faculty: Koo, Wong
Pseudophakic bullous keratopathy.
Pseudophakic Bullous Keratopathy, Corneal Edema
Specialty: Corneal and External Diseases
Type: Online Grand Rounds
Include in Catalogue?: Yes
Presenter(s): Benny Wong, MD
Faculty Discussant(s): Ellen Koo, MD
Presenter/Faculty: Koo, Wong
Pseudophakic Bullous Keratopathy, Corneal Edema A patient with a history of penetrating keratoplasty of both eyes, Fuchs endothelial cell dystrophy in both eyes and herpes simplex keratitis of the left eye presented with decreased vision in the right eye over the past several months. Slit lamp exam…
DSEK Interface Keratitis due to Candida
Specialty: Corneal and External Diseases
Type: Online Grand Rounds
Include in Catalogue?: Yes
Presenter(s): Matias A. Soifer, MD
Faculty Discussant(s): Guillermo Amescua, MD; Sonia H. Yoo, MD; Sander R. Dubovy, MD
Presenter/Faculty: Amescua, Dubovy, Soifer, Yoo
DSEK Interface Keratitis due to Candida We present a case report of a patient with a history of DSEK 14 months ago, who presented to our clinic with late onset interface keratitis. Confocal microscopy revealed spores, suggestive of Candida. Patient failed medical therapy with intrastromal injection…
Cicatrizing Conjunctivitis Secondary to Mycobacterium Tuberculosis
Specialty: Corneal and External Diseases
Type: Online Grand Rounds
Include in Catalogue?: Yes
Presenter(s): Caroline L. Lieux, MD
Faculty Discussant(s): Guillermo Amescua, MD
Presenter/Faculty: Amescua, Lieux
Cicatrizing Conjunctivitis Secondary to Mycobacterium Tuberculosis A patient presented to the Bascom Palmer ER with chronic irritation in his right eye for 3 months. He was referred by an outside provider for possible ocular malignancy. The patient was found to have temporal symblepharon and inferi…
Cicatrizing Conjunctivitis Secondary to Mycobacterium Tuberculosis
Specialty: Corneal and External Diseases
Include in Catalogue?: No
Presenter(s): Caroline L. Lieux, MD
Faculty Discussant(s): Guillermo Amescua, MD
Abstract A patient presented to the Bascom Palmer ER with chronic irritation in his right eye for 3 months. He was referred by an outside provider for possible ocular malignancy. The patient was found to have temporal symblepharon and inferior fornix foreshortening, as well as an abnormal conjuncti…
Post LASIK Infectious Keratitis and Pressure-Induced Stromal Keratopathy
Specialty: Corneal and External Diseases
Type: Ophthalmic Images
Include in Catalogue?: Yes
Original Contributor(s): Sonia H. Yoo, MD; Lily Zhang, MD
Presenter/Faculty: Yoo, Zhang
Post LASIK infectious keratitis and pressure-induced stromal keratopathy.
Pressure-Induced Stromal Keratopathy (PISK) and Corneal Scarring After Infectious Keratitis
Specialty: Corneal and External Diseases
Type: Online Grand Rounds
Include in Catalogue?: Yes
Presenter(s): Lily Zhang, MD
Faculty Discussant(s): Sonia H. Yoo, MD
Presenter/Faculty: Yoo, Zhang
Pressure-Induced Stromal Keratopathy (PISK) and Corneal Scarring After Infectious Keratitis A patient presented with eye pain and decreased vision in the left eye after having LASIK in both eyes. She was found to have an interface infectious keratitis that required re-lifting of the LASIK flap twic…
Best of Interactive Consultations in Cornea, Cataract and Refractive Surgery 2024
Specialty: Corneal and External Diseases
Type: Other Lectures
Include in Catalogue?: Yes
Original Contributor(s): Kendall E. Donaldson, MD, MS; Ellen Koo, MD
Presenter/Faculty: Donaldson, Koo
Orthokeratology Lens Related Keratitis
Specialty: Corneal and External Diseases
Type: Online Grand Rounds
Include in Catalogue?: Yes
Presenter(s): Ronaldo Nuesi, MD
Faculty Discussant(s): Rami J. Aboumourad, OD; Angela Y. Zhu, MD
Presenter/Faculty: Aboumourad, Nuesi, Zhu
Orthokeratology Lens Related Keratitis A myopic patient with daily orthokeratology lens use presented for eye pain and decrease in vision of both eyes for one week. Patient had no changes in his normal use of lenses. On examination, patient demonstrated findings concerning for an infectious keratit…
Fungal Keratitis
Specialty: Corneal and External Diseases
Type: Online Grand Rounds
Include in Catalogue?: Yes
Presenter(s): Franklin Zheng, MD
Faculty Discussant(s): Sander R. Dubovy, MD; Ellen Koo, MD
Presenter/Faculty: Dubovy, Koo, Zheng
Fungal Keratitis A patient with a history of corneal ulcer presents for a second opinion due to slow clinical improvement on topical medications. Cultures were negative, but biopsy showed numerous fungal elements. The patient was continued on topical antifungal medication and showed clinical improv…