Lisch Corneal Dystrophy
Specialty: Corneal and External Diseases
Type: Ophthalmic Images
Include in Catalogue?: Yes
Original Contributor(s): Carol L. Karp, MD; Lily Zhang, MD
Presenter/Faculty: Karp, Zhang
Slit lamp photo of biopsy proven Lisch Corneal dystrophy.
Granular Corneal Dystrophy
Specialty: Corneal and External Diseases
Type: Ophthalmic Images
Include in Catalogue?: Yes
Original Contributor(s): Benjamin R. Lin, MD; Angela Y. Zhu, MD, MBA
Presenter/Faculty: Lin, Zhu
Case of granular dystrophy treated with penetrating keratoplasty.
Peripapillary Sarcoid Granuloma
Specialty: Uveitis
Type: Ophthalmic Images
Include in Catalogue?: Yes
Original Contributor(s): Viet Chau, MD; Janet L. Davis, MD
Presenter/Faculty: Chau, Davis
Fundus photo demonstrating a peripaillary elevated lesion. OCT with subretinal fluid and retina thickening. CT scan showed pulmonary nodules.
Idiopathic Intracranial Hypertension Complicated by Peripapillary Choroidal Neovascular Membrane Formation
Specialty: Neuro-Ophthalmology
Type: Ophthalmic Images
Include in Catalogue?: Yes
Original Contributor(s): Carlos E. Mendoza Santiesteban, MD; Landon J. Rohowetz, MD; Nicolas A. Yannuzzi, MD
Presenter/Faculty: Mendoza, Rohowetz, Yannuzzi
Fundus photo demonstrating grade 1 optic nerve head edema in the right eye and grade 3 optic nerve head edema in the left eye. The left eye also demonstrates retinal folds, subretinal hemorrhage, and leakage on fluorescein angiography consistent with a choroidal neovascular membrane.
Iridocorneal Endothelial (ICE) Syndrome, Cogan-Reese/Iris Nevus Syndrome Subtype
Specialty: Corneal and External Diseases
Type: Ophthalmic Images
Include in Catalogue?: Yes
Original Contributor(s): Guillermo Amescua, MD; Elena Bitrian, MD; Jonathan D. Tijerina, MD, MA
Presenter/Faculty: Amescua, Bitrian, Tijerina
Slit lamp examination discloses corneal endothelial irregularity, trace MCCE, iridocorneal touch with high PAS at 1:00, 3:00, 6:00 and 9:30, pigmented nodules, and correctopia in the right eye.
Papilledema from Hypervitaminosis A
Specialty: Neuro-Ophthalmology
Type: Ophthalmic Images
Include in Catalogue?: Yes
Original Contributor(s): Byron L. Lam, MD; Benjamin Meyer, MD
Presenter/Faculty: Lam, Meyer
This patient presented with optic nerve edema. The medical history was significant for acute promyelocytic leukemia being treated with all-trans retinoic acid (ATRA). The picture however worsened in tandem with intracranial hemorrhage from possible intracranial leukemia, raising the concern for leu…
Silicone Gluteal Injections Leading to Retinal Arterial Embolization
Specialty: Retina and Vitreous Diseases
Type: Ophthalmic Images
Include in Catalogue?: Yes
Original Contributor(s): Landon J. Rohowetz, MD; Jayanth Sridhar, MD
Presenter/Faculty: Rohowetz, Sridhar
Fundus photos and FA with retinal non perfusion, peripheral hemorrhages, and crystalline like retinopathy and both eyes. The OCT retina shows multiple small areas of hyperreflectivity.
Persistent Fetal Vasculature
Specialty: Cataracts and Intraocular Lenses
Type: Ophthalmic Images
Include in Catalogue?: Yes
Original Contributor(s): Audina M. Berrocal, MD; Maria Paula Fernandez, MD
Presenter/Faculty: Berrocal, Fernandez
A 6-week old patient presented with persistent fetal vasculature leading to a loss of red reflex due to a congenital cataract. UBM showed an anteriorly rotated ciliary body with a thickened retrolental membrane and a spherically shaped lens. Ultrasound showed a membrane from the optic disc with red…
Terrien Marginal Degeneration (TMD)
Specialty: Corneal and External Diseases
Type: Ophthalmic Images
Include in Catalogue?: Yes
Original Contributor(s): Guillermo Amescua, MD; Viet Chau, MD
Presenter/Faculty: Amescua, Chau
A patient presented with blurred vision in the left eye. Examination showed corneal neovascularization and lipid deposition inferiorly. Anterior segment OCT revealed significant corneal stromal thinning with descemetocele. Treatment was with a with an optical penetrating keratoplasty with corrected…
Corneal Neurotization
Specialty: Corneal and External Diseases
Type: Ophthalmic Images
Include in Catalogue?: Yes
Original Contributor(s): Guillermo Amescua, MD; Elli Park, MD; Andrew J. Rong, MD
Presenter/Faculty: Amescua, Park, Rong
This patient presented with left-sided CN 5, 6, 7, and 8 palsies leading to multiple emergency visits for corneal erosions and infectious corneal ulcers. Prior treatment was with amniotic membrane discs, superficial keratectomy with EDTA, botox tarsorrhaphy, and a surgical ertractor reinsertion wit…
Brown Syndrome
Specialty: Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus
Type: Ophthalmic Images
Include in Catalogue?: Yes
Original Contributor(s): Omar Abu Su'ud, MD; Hilda Capo, MD
Presenter/Faculty: Abu Su'ud, Capo
Patient with Brown Syndrome with images and videos showing for esotropia which was worse in left gaze, hypotropia of left eye worse in right gaze and upgaze accompanied by limited elevation OS in adduction and incyclotorsion left eye, and restriction of extraocular movement of both eyes.
Peripheral Iridotomy
Specialty: Glaucoma
Type: Ophthalmic Images
Include in Catalogue?: Yes
Original Contributor(s): Lily Zhang, MD
Presenter/Faculty: Zhang
Photograph of a peripheral iridotomy.
Non-Infectious Necrotizing Scleritis
Specialty: Corneal and External Diseases
Type: Ophthalmic Images
Include in Catalogue?: Yes
Original Contributor(s): Menachem Weiss, MD
Presenter/Faculty: Weiss
Slit lamp photos of non-infectious necrotizing scleritis at presentation, week 4, 7, 9.5, and 12 of treatment with systemic corticosteroids and rituximab.
Central Retinal Artery Occlusion (CRAO)
Specialty: Retina and Vitreous Diseases
Type: Ophthalmic Images
Include in Catalogue?: Yes
Original Contributor(s): Flavius Beca, MD
Presenter/Faculty: Beca
Fundus photo of Central Retinal Artery Occlusion (CRAO).
Caffeine-Associated Hemi-Retinal Vein Occlusion of the Left Eye secondary Cystoid Macular Edema
Specialty: Retina and Vitreous Diseases
Type: Ophthalmic Images
Include in Catalogue?: Yes
Original Contributor(s): Jesse D. Sengillo, MD; Jayanth Sridhar, MD; Jonathan D. Tijerina, MD, MA
Presenter/Faculty: Sengillo, Sridhar, Tijerina
A young patient presented with a 1-week history of unilateral superior visual field deficit in the left eye with a visual acuity of 20/30 with pinhole correction to 20/20, normal IOP, and without an APD. Detailed medical, surgical, family, and social history-taking revealed only patient consumption…
Slipped Medial Rectus Muscle
Specialty: Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus
Type: Ophthalmic Images
Include in Catalogue?: Yes
Original Contributor(s): Omar Abu Su’ud, MD; Craig A. McKeown, MD
Presenter/Faculty: Abu Su'ud, McKeown
A patient with slipped right medial rectus 5 days after recession of medial rectus muscle in both eyes, intraoperative images showing slipped muscle.
Corneal Decompensation Due to Cosmetic Iris Implants
Specialty: Corneal and External Diseases
Type: Ophthalmic Images
Include in Catalogue?: Yes
Original Contributor(s): Guillermo Amescua, MD; Elena Bitrian, MD; Naomi E. Gutkind, MD
Presenter/Faculty: Amescua, Bitrian, Gutkind
A patient with bilateral corneal edema and elevated intraocular pressure due to cosmetic iris implants. Slit lamp photos showing left worse than right corneal edema, with distortion of native iris behind the implant. High resolution ultrasound biomicroscopy showing iris implant resting in the angle…
Choroideremia Associated with Choroidal Neovascularization
Specialty: Retina and Vitreous Diseases
Type: Ophthalmic Images
Include in Catalogue?: Yes
Original Contributor(s): Audina M. Berrocal, MD; Anne L. Kunkler, MD; Byron L. Lam, MD; Thomas A. Lazzarini, MD; Landon J. Rohowetz, MD; Jesse D. Sengillo, MD
Presenter/Faculty: Berrocal, Kunkler, Lam, Lazzarini, Sengillo, Rohowetz
A patient presented with a central scotoma in the right eye. Fundus examination revealed midperipheral chorioretinal atrophy in both eyes (Fig A). Fundus autofluorescence demonstrated areas of confluent midperipheral hypoautofluorescence (Fig B). Optical coherence tomography demonstrated choroidal …
Ocular Cicatricial Pemphigoid
Specialty: Corneal and External Diseases
Type: Ophthalmic Images
Include in Catalogue?: Yes
Original Contributor(s): Guillermo Amescua, MD; Stephanie P. Chen, MD
Presenter/Faculty: Amescua, Chen
Ocular cicatricial pemphigoid with symblepharon in both eyes.