Course name | Date

Macular Telangiectasia Type 1 - Torpedo Maculopathy

Type: Online Grand Rounds
Include in Catalogue?: Yes
Presenter(s): Georges Sukkarieh, MD
Faculty Discussant(s): Jorge Fortun, MD; Luis J. Haddock, MD
Presenter/Faculty: Fortun, Haddock, Sukkarieh
Macular Telangiectasia Type 1 - Torpedo Maculopathy This is a case of a middle-aged man presenting with a decrease in vision in his left eye for a period of 2 months. On fundus examination the patient presented with a pigmented macular asymptomatic lesion in the right eye and vascular telangiectasi…

Macular Neovascularization Secondary to Best Disease in a Pregnant Female

Type: Online Grand Rounds
Include in Catalogue?: Yes
Presenter(s): Konica Singla, MD, MS
Faculty Discussant(s): Philip J. Rosenfeld, MD, PhD
Presenter/Faculty: Rosenfeld, Singla
Macular Neovascularization Secondary to Best Disease in a Pregnant Female A patient with a history of Best Disease mutation in BEST1 presented with a sudden onset of blurriness and distortion in her left eye (OS) for three weeks. The patient's family history reveals genetic and visual implications,…

Macular Hole

Type: Online Grand Rounds
Include in Catalogue?: Yes
Presenter(s): Noy Ashkenazy, MD, MS
Faculty Discussant(s): Ninel Z. Gregori, MD
Presenter/Faculty: Ashkenazy, Gregori
Macular Hole A 64-year-old male veteran presents to the clinic on Feb. 15, 2019, with report of having blurry vision in the left eye for 30 years, following left-sided head trauma. He has been told by multiple providers that there was nothing that could be done for his vision. He complains of a “…

MacTel Type 1

Type: Online Grand Rounds
Include in Catalogue?: Yes
Presenter(s): Carolina Mercado, MD
Faculty Discussant(s): Jaclyn L. Kovach, MD
Presenter/Faculty: Kovach, Mercado
MacTel Type 1 A patient presented with chronic cystoid macular edema (CME) in the left eye. His BCVA OS was 20/60. Despite prior long-term interventions with intravitreal steroids and anti-VEGF agents (ranibizumab and aflibercept), the macular edema persisted, prompting the exploration of alternati…

Lisch Corneal Dystrophy

Type: Online Grand Rounds
Include in Catalogue?: Yes
Presenter(s): Lily Zhang, MD
Faculty Discussant(s): Sander R. Dubovy, MD; Carol L. Karp, MD
Presenter/Faculty: Dubovy, Karp, Zhang
Lisch Corneal Dystrophy A patient presented with blurry vision in the left eye and was found to have a pigmented superficial corneal lesion which showed hyperreflectivity without thickening on the AS-OCT. The lesion was biopsied and confirmed to be Lisch corneal dystrophy on pathology. The lesion r…

Lipemia Retinalis

Type: Online Grand Rounds
Include in Catalogue?: Yes
Presenter(s): Ronaldo Nuesi, MD
Faculty Discussant(s): Nicolas A. Yannuzzi, MD
Presenter/Faculty: Nuesi, Yannuzzi
Lipemia Retinalis A patient with past ocular history of nonproliferative diabetic retinopathy presented for routine examination to retina clinic. Patient had no vision concerns nor any systemic symptoms on review of systems. On examination, patient found to have cream colored large calibre vessels …

Limbal Stem Cell Deficiency

Type: Online Grand Rounds
Include in Catalogue?: Yes
Presenter(s): Xuemin "Rosie" Zhang, MD
Faculty Discussant(s): Guillermo Amescua, MD
Presenter/Faculty: Amescua, Zhang
Limbal Stem Cell Deficiency We report a case of severe unilateral chemical-thermal injury complicated by total limbal stem cell deficiency and symblepharon, treated with Simple Limbal Epithelial Transplantation (SLET) combined with conjunctival autografting (CAG). We used an autologous limbal biops…

Leukemic Retinopathy

Type: Online Grand Rounds
Include in Catalogue?: Yes
Presenter(s): Shanlee M. Stevens, MD
Faculty Discussant(s): Sander R. Dubovy, MD; Andrew J. Rong, MD; Nicolas A. Yannuzzi, MD
Presenter/Faculty: Dubovy, Rong, Stevens, Yannuzzi
Leukemic Retinopathy A patient with no significant past medical history presented to BPEI ER complaining of blurry vision in the left eye for two weeks. On fundus exam, he had hemorrhages in multiple layers of the retina, venous dilation and tortuosity, and Roth spots. CBC was obtained which reveal…

Leukemic Optic Neuropathy

Type: Online Grand Rounds
Include in Catalogue?: Yes
Presenter(s): Caroline L. Lieux, MD
Faculty Discussant(s): Byron L. Lam, MD
Presenter/Faculty: Lam, Lieux
Leukemic Optic Neuropathy Leukemic optic neuropathy is a rare entity that is characterized as optic nerve dysfunction resulting from direct infiltration of neoplastic leukocytes. It is an indicator of central nervous system involvement, and it is a neuro-ophthalmic and oncologic emergency that warr…

Leber's Hereditary Optic Neuropathy

Type: Online Grand Rounds
Include in Catalogue?: Yes
Presenter(s): Amir Faramarzi, MD
Faculty Discussant(s): Byron L. Lam, MD
Presenter/Faculty: Faramarzi, Lam
Leber's Hereditary Optic Neuropathy A patient came to ED due to subacute decreased vision in his right eye since 1/2023. He had a history of decreased vision in his left eye following phacoemulsification surgery in Oct 2022. BCVA was 20/70 OD and 20/400 OS Past medical history was positive for HTN,…

Leber Hereditary Optic Neuropathy (LHON)

Type: Online Grand Rounds
Include in Catalogue?: Yes
Presenter(s): Anas Yasin, MD
Faculty Discussant(s): Byron L. Lam, MD; Carlos E. Mendoza-Santiesteban, MD
Presenter/Faculty: Lam, Mendoza-Santiesteban, Yasin
Leber Hereditary Optic Neuropathy (LHON) A previously healthy patient presented to the emergency department (ED) with a 2-week history of bilateral blurry vision associated with painful eye movement. The patient denied eye redness, eye discharge, photophobia, double vision, or headache. The ophthal…

Leber Hereditary Optic Neuropathy

Type: Online Grand Rounds
Include in Catalogue?: Yes
Presenter(s): Maja Kostic, MD, PhD
Faculty Discussant(s): Byron L. Lam, MD; Craig A. McKeown, MD; Carlos E. Mendoza Santiesteban, MD
Presenter/Faculty: Kostic, Lam, McKeown, Mendoza Santiesteban
Leber Hereditary Optic Neuropathy – LHON An 18-year-old healthy man was evaluated in the eye emergency room for acute progressive painless vision loss in both eyes. First was affected a right eye and a six days later, left eye was affected too. Best-corrected visual acuity was 20/800 right eye an…

Leber Hereditary Optic Neuropathy

Type: Online Grand Rounds
Include in Catalogue?: Yes
Presenter(s): Somya Chowdhary, MD
Faculty Discussant(s): Byron L. Lam, MD; Carlos E. Mendoza-Santiesteban, MD
Presenter/Faculty: Chowdhary, Lam, Mendoza-Santiesteban
Leber Hereditary Optic Neuropathy An 18-year-old male presented to the ER with bilateral decreased vision and eye pain for 10 days. His visual acuity was HM OD, 20/300 OS. He was noted to have disc pallor OD and temporal pallor with slight nasal elevation OS on fundus exam. His MRI showed T2 hyper …

Lattice Corneal Dystrophy

Type: Online Grand Rounds
Include in Catalogue?: Yes
Presenter(s): Caroline L. Lieux, MD
Faculty Discussant(s): Anat Galor, MD, MSPH; Jayne S. Weiss, MD
Presenter/Faculty: Galor, Lieux, Weiss
Lattice Corneal Dystrophy Lattice corneal dystrophy is a rare disease with a variety of etiologies. Historically, corneal dystrophies have been defined as bilateral, progressive processes that start in a patient’s first to second decade of life and have no correlation with systemic illnesses. Whi…

Knobloch Syndrome

Type: Online Grand Rounds
Include in Catalogue?: Yes
Presenter(s): Benjamin J. Fowler, MD, PhD
Faculty Discussant(s): Audina M. Berrocal, MD; Craig A. McKeown, MD
Presenter/Faculty: Berrocal, Fowler, McKeown
Knobloch Syndrome An infant presented to the eye clinic with nystagmus. The patient underwent examination. Initial eye examination revealed horizontal nystagmus, a midline occipital scalp lesion, hypoplastic macula in both eyes, and high myopia (greater than -15.0 D in both eyes). Given a family hi…

Klebsiella Pneumoniae Endogenous Endophthalmitis

Type: Online Grand Rounds
Include in Catalogue?: Yes
Presenter(s): Kenneth C. Fan, MD, MBA
Faculty Discussant(s): Janet L. Davis, MD
Discussant(s): Nimesh A. Patel, MD
Presenter/Faculty: Davis, Fan, Patel
Klebsiella Pneumoniae Endogenous Endophthalmitis A 46-year-old healthy male presented with a red and painful eye with a preceding febrile gastrointestinal illness. Examination and work-up revealed concomitant intraocular and liver abscesses that required pars plana vitrectomy, drainage of subretina…

Keratitis Due to Severe Sinonasal Disease with Underlying Granulomatosis with Polyangiitis

Type: Online Grand Rounds
Include in Catalogue?: Yes
Presenter(s): Yasman Moshiri, MD
Faculty Discussant(s): Guillermo Amescua, MD; Carol L. Karp, MD
Presenter/Faculty: Amescua, Karp, Moshiri
Keratitis Due to Severe Sinonasal Disease with Underlying Granulomatosis with Polyangiitis A young patient with no known prior medical history presents with decreased vision and pain in the right eye. On presentation, patient’s exam was notable for visual acuity of 20/150 in the right eye and 20/…

Kaposi's Sarcoma of the Conjunctiva

Type: Online Grand Rounds
Include in Catalogue?: Yes
Presenter(s): Flavius Beca, MD
Faculty Discussant(s): Sander R. Dubovy, MD; Carol L. Karp, MD
Presenter/Faculty: Beca, Dubovy, Karp
Kaposi's Sarcoma of the Conjunctiva A patient presented to the BPEI Emergency Room with a painless red eye for the past 3 months. Past medical history was limited to a recent hospitalization for a complicated pneumonia and a new diagnosis of HIV. Examination of the eye revealed an elevated, vascula…

Juvenile Xanthogranuloma

Specialty: Glaucoma
Type: Online Grand Rounds
Include in Catalogue?: Yes
Presenter(s): Lisa M. Tom, MD
Faculty Discussant(s): Ta Chen Peter Chang, MD; Sander R. Dubovy, MD
Presenter/Faculty: Chang, Dubovy, Tom
Juvenile Xanthogranuloma Patient presented to the BPEI emergency room with tearing and light sensitivity of the right eye for 1 month. Examination revealed grimace-to-light vision, soft to palpation intraocular pressure, and hyphema. Skin examination revealed yellowish raised skin lesions on the ne…

Juvenile Xanthogranuloma

Specialty: Glaucoma
Type: Online Grand Rounds
Include in Catalogue?: Yes
Presenter(s): Lindsay Foley, MD
Faculty Discussant(s): Sander R. Dubovy, MD; Angela Y. Zhu, MD
Presenter/Faculty: Dubovy, Foley, Zhu
Juvenile Xanthogranuloma A baby was referred for a new-onset subconjunctival lesion in the right eye. He was found to have a thickened, yellow corneoscleral lesion and hyphema, presumed to be ocular juvenile xanthogranuloma (JXG). He was started on topical steroids as empiric treatment, with initia…