Recurrent Subepithelial Infiltrates Following Epidemic Keratoconjunctivitis


A patient presented with complaint of red eyes and was diagnosed with viral conjunctivitis. He was treated symptomatically and returned with decreased visual acuity and diffuse subepithelial infiltrates in the previously-infected eye (see photo and OCT). After successful treatment with topical corticosteroids, the subepithelial infiltrates recurred and the patient was started on Cyclosporine 0.5% topical drops. The subepithelial infiltrates again recurred two times while on Cyclosporine and the patient was transitioned to Tacrolimus 0.03% drops as the corticosteroid-sparing agent. After one year of treatment, the subepithelial infiltrates again recurred after stopping the Tacrolimus and the treatment course was restarted with successful clearance of symptoms.

Uploaded on: 05/18/2023

Recurrent Subepithelial Infiltrates following Epidemic Keratoconjunctivitis

Recurrent Subepithelial Infiltrates following Epidemic Keratoconjunctivitis