Courses tagged with "OCT"

Sorsby Macular Dystrophy

Type: Online Grand Rounds
Include in Catalogue?: Yes
Presenter(s): Prashanth G. Iyer, MD
Faculty Discussant(s): Philip J. Rosenfeld, MD, PhD
Presenter/Faculty: Iyer, Rosenfeld
Sorsby Macular Dystrophy We present the case of a 33-year-old male who presented with visual distortions in the left eye. Visual acuity was 20/20 in the right eye and 20/30 in the left eye. Fundus examination revealed reticular pseudodrusen in both eyes, and a choroidal neovascular membrane in the …

Tuberculous Serpiginous-Like Choroiditis

Type: Online Grand Rounds
Include in Catalogue?: Yes
Presenter(s): Chris Wu, MD
Faculty Discussant(s): Janet L. Davis, MD
Presenter/Faculty: Davis, Wu
Tuberculous Serpiginous-like Choroiditis A patient with a past ocular history of cataract extraction and YAG capsulotomy presented with chronic blurry vision, photopsia, and floaters in both eyes of 1 year duration. He had been prescribed topical steroids for cystoid macular edema in the left eye a…

Vitreous Amyloidosis

Type: Online Grand Rounds
Include in Catalogue?: Yes
Presenter(s): Shobha Topgi, MD
Faculty Discussant(s): Jorge Fortun, MD
Presenter/Faculty: Fortun, Topgi
Vitreous Amyloidosis A patient presented to clinic with four months of blurry vision in the right eye. Of note, patient had previous vitrectomy for vitreous floaters of the left eye and panretinal photocoagulation in both eyes for retinal neovascularization. Examination of the right eye revealed de…

Widefield Optical Coherence Tomography of Neovascularization in Diabetic Retinopathy

Type: Ophthalmic Images
Include in Catalogue?: Yes
Original Contributor(s): Harry W. Flynn, Jr., MD; Nimesh A. Patel, MD
Presenter/Faculty: Flynn, Patel

OCTA demonstrating neovascularization (yellow arrow) growing into the vitreous with widefield imaging.