
A patient presented to the ER with subconjunctival hemorrhage but incidentally noted to have enophthalmos with mild extraocular movement restriction in the contralateral eye. Further history revealed breast cancer history that was treated 18 years prior with chemo & radiotherapy alongside lumpectomy and unremarkable follow-up scans, but an unexplained weight-loss of 7 kg in the preceding 6 months. MRI of the orbits was performed which showed enophthalmos and curvilinear enhancement surrounding the lacrimal gland and globe. Whole body PET scan revealed no additional foci of activity while laboratory workup was remarkable for elevated tumor markers. The patient underwent right orbitotomy for biopsy that showed carcinoma consistent with metastasis and breast primary. The patient subsequently underwent chemotherapy. We will discuss the presentation of orbital breast metastasis and evaluate the course and prognosis.

Presentation Date: 01/20/2022
Issue Date: 02/11/2022