
Conjunctival amyloid is an uncommon ocular finding but important to consider in the differential of conjunctival lesions. We present a case of a patient who was referred for evaluation of a potential ‘malignant’ conjunctival tumor. On exam she was found to have a yellow, mobile, rubbery lesion of the bulbar conjunctiva as well as yellow deposits within the upper tarsal conjunctiva. High resolution OCT cinched the diagnosis with evidence of a dark lesion with hyperreflective linear intralesional infiltrates. Incisional biopsy confirmed the diagnosis as conjunctival amyloid. The patient underwent systemic evaluation with a hematologist oncologist, all of which was negative. On review of the literature, conjunctival amyloid is a commonly localized disease and less commonly part of a systemic process. These lesions of the conjunctiva are usually observed, with surgical excision reserved only for patients who are significantly symptomatic. Our patient was not bothered by the appearance of the conjunctival lesion and was asymptomatic.

Presentation Date: 05/28/2020
Issue Date: 08/01/2020