Topic outline

  • Grand Rounds

    A 36-years-old female patient presents to pediatric ophthalmology clinic at BPEI for a second opinion regarding progressive bilateral ptosis and exotropia. The patient has a history of progressive bilateral ptosis OS>OD and limitation of ocular movements with onset during the second decade. The patient underwent ptosis surgery on right eye without improvement in 2008. After complete evaluation strabismus surgery was recommended. Surgical plan: recession of lateral rectus 7mm with adjustable suture and resection of medial rectus 5mm, left eye. At day 1 post-op visit patient presents small angle XT. Patient returns after 8 weeks for post-op visit with small residual XT and small left hypertropia. No further strabismus surgery recommended.

    Presentation Date: 12/05/2019
    Issue Date: 08/01/2020